Seeing your doctor and counselor is an important aspect of taking care of your health. You can also take control in managing your mental health. It's important to remember to be patient with yourself. Managing your mental health is a skill that takes practice and time. This can be gradual and will improve with time and practice.
You and your counselor may learn and practice relaxation techniques and becoming aware of your feelings. Use these when you start feeling down or upset.
Other ways to manage your mental health include:
Daily exercise
Spending time outside in nature and in the sun
Eating healthier foods
Get enough sleep
Try to have consistent sleep habits
Avoid all-night study sessions.
Avoid using drugs and alcohol
At least minimize, if not totally avoid, alcohol.
Break up large tasks into small ones
do what you can as you can
try not to do too many things at once
Try to spend time with supportive family members or friends
Take advantage of campus resources, such as student support groups
Try to get out with friends and try fun things that help you express yourself
Remember that, by taking care of yourself, you are helping yourself succeed in college and after graduation.