
Fight or flight 

Stress is the body's reaction to a challenge. Stress can be both be a positive influence as well as a negative influence in our lives.  Stress can sharpen the mind and reflexes for better performance or even escaping a dangerous situation. 

Stress is the result of hormones being released and we may experience the physical signs of anxiety such as

  • digestion
  • shaking
  • tunnel vision
  • accelerated breathing
  • increased heart rate,
  • dilation of pupils
  • flushed skin

Acute stress: more than cute 

Acute stress results from the demands and pressures of the recent past and anticipated demands and pressures of the near future in our lives. Acute stress can be thrilling and exciting in small doses  Acute stress is thrilling and exciting in small doses, but too much is exhausting and can lead to psychological distress, tension headaches, upset stomach and other symptoms.

  • result of recent or anticipated stressors 
  • positive and negative influence
  • it passes with time

Episodic acute stress: more episodes of stress

You might be especially prone to this is you have a "type A" personality, as you can have a sense of urgency and a need to get things done that might actually become overwhelming. Or you may be a "Worry warts" and see disaster around every corner. .

Episodic acute stress is a recurring type of stress, happening over and over.  It is accompanied by worry and angst about things that are happening to you or around you.

Chronic acute stress: The Never-ending Stress 

If you don't see an end in sight or facing something that has no way out, then you are likely suffering from chronic stress. This type of stress eventually begins to affect your health, and can lead to heart problems, strokes, or even cancer, among other issues. 

Stress stressing you out?

Most colleges provide mental health services through counseling centers, student health centers, or both.  Check out our Where to Get Help page for information about mental health services available on and off campus to fit your schedule.

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